Here it is! It's finally available here, the second collection of the time-travelling demon-slaying samurai's adventures & let me tell you, it;s a corker! Now obviously you may think i'm biased as it does contain almost 33(! i know!) pages of artwork by me, that being Dirk Van Dom's Gryphon romp 'Jikan's Bounty' & Mark Howard's flashback origins story 'Shimasu' and also a page from said writer's story 'The Flood' (mentioned in another post). But also in it's almost 90 action-packed pages feature artwork by Davey Candlish (whose lovely cover is shown here), Chris Askham, Dustin Parr to name but a few and stories by Matthew McLaughlin & Chris Cronin aswell as the others mentioned above. You can download the digital version for just £1.50 or treat yourself to a lovely, glossy printed copy by following this link. Enjoy!